MADISON – Today, Wisconsin Family Action, Inc. (WFA) launched a $225,000 targeted, statewide, multi-media express advocacy campaign to encourage Wisconsin voters to vote and to vote for Justice Dan Kelly for Wisconsin Supreme Court in this spring election.
“Basically everything we value is at grave risk with the balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on the line. Low bail/no bail policies for hardened, repeat criminals; the life of the unborn; parental rights; boys playing in girls’ sports; school choice; and religious freedom are just a few of the issues that will likely find their way before our state’s highest court— significant issues affecting all Wisconsin families,” said Julaine Appling, president of Wisconsin Family Action. “Our goal is to encourage Wisconsin citizens to get to the polls on April 4 and do their part in electing a justice who will not legislate from the bench nor decide cases based on political or personal agendas, but who will honor the constitutional role of the judiciary. Dan Kelly is clearly that candidate.”
The express advocacy ads educate voters about the judicial philosophy of each candidate and seek to motivate them to cast their ballots accordingly.
The campaign asks citizens to make sure they are registered and to adopt a plan to vote—via absentee ballot, if absolutely necessary, or early in-person, or day-of at the polls. Educational resources for voters are available on WFA’s Vote Right Wisconsin website.
“Our goal is to make sure Wisconsin citizens understand the role of our judiciary and to paint a picture of what’s at stake if we elect a justice who tips the scales to favor political ideology rather than a justice like Dan Kelly who will honor the rule of law as prescribed by our state statutes and state constitution. We want people to cast their votes and to do so with the information they need to make a good choice, a choice that is in line with their values,” said Appling.
Wisconsin Family Action, Inc. is a statewide organization engaged in strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life, and religious freedom in Wisconsin.
Authorized and paid for by Wisconsin Family Action, Inc. Not authorized or paid for by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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