Founded in 2006

Our purpose is to…


Inform Wisconsin citizens about pro-family legislative and cultural issues.


Help Wisconsin citizens be meaningfully involved in their local and state government.


Prepare election-related materials that identify for Wisconsin voters who the conservative candidates are.


Advocate in the state legislature on policy issues that impact marriage, family, life, & religious freedom.


Wisconsin Family Council began as Christian Research Institute

Shortly thereafter, the name was changed to Family Research Institute of Wisconsin for legal reasons. The 1983-84 battle over home schooling/private schooling showed that Christians needed a full-time presence in Madison to promote positive policies and oppose negative policies. Marvin Munyon was president.


Wisconsin Family Action was begun.


FRI was renamed Wisconsin Family Council, Inc.


WFA began Wisconsin Family Action PAC for state elections.


Offices of WFA/WFC firebombed on Mother’s Day by pro-abortion anarchists. Threatening graffiti message left: “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”

Our Values = Family Values


The government should promote the institution of marriage in society, as this provides a strong foundation for our society’s families, particularly our children. Further, we support marriage as being between one man and one woman. We also support initiatives to reduce the incidence of divorce in Wisconsin.


We support the sanctity of human life and pro-life efforts to protect the unborn. This includes opposing legislation that promotes the destruction of human life – which starts at conception – through abortion and other means. We support a woman’s right to learn about the effects of abortion, including fetal pain. Further, we oppose stem-cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos. Abstinence should also be promoted in our state’s secondary education system.

Religious Freedom

We support the right of individuals to practice their religion without government interference, as this is often considered to be one of the most important liberties granted to citizens of this nation. The First Amendment of the US Constitution and Article I, Section 18 of the Wisconsin Constitution clearly protect the free exercise of one’s religious beliefs.


We believe strong, independent married mom-and-dad families are the best resource for our state. We believe that in most situations parents are the most qualified to make decisions regarding their children and their best interests.

Out of these cores areas flows so many more of our values and stances.


Our Staff

Daniel Degner

Interim President
Contact Daniel

Julaine K. Appling

President Emeritus
Contact Julaine

Sierra Cochran

Digital Director & LEAD Wisconsin Director
Contact Sierra

Leslie Harrison

Accounting Manager & Database Manager
Contact Leslie

Samuel Krebs

Legislative Director
Contact Samuel


Wisconsin Family Action is a 501(c)(4) organization for purposes of the IRS, which means the federal government and the IRS do not allow gifts and contributions to WFA to be tax deductible. WFA receives no state or federal funding. We rely on the gifts of people who believe in its work in the public policy arena of Wisconsin. Gifts to WFA are not reportable to the general public. Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) is related to Wisconsin Family Council, a 501(c)(3) organization.

Wisconsin Family Action

  • Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) is a 501(c)(4) organization advocating for pro-family, pro-life, pro-liberty policies in the state capitol and conducting election activities to the limit of the law.
  • WFA can encourage people to vote for specific candidates and has a related Political Action Committee that can endorse qualified candidates.
  • This organization is key to ensuring your values are represented in our government.

Wisconsin Family Council

  • Wisconsin Family Council (WFC) is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating Christians to be informed, involved citizens.
  • WFC cannot endorse candidates or engage in any electioneering activities.
  • WFC works with churches and pastors to help resource them so they can appropriately inform their congregants about the critical issues of the day from a biblical perspective and to encourage their people to honor God with their vote.

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