The pro-life movement has achieved a major victory with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. However, a new battlefield is already taking shape. Women are increasingly turning to chemical abortions, which end one life and traumatize another.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, abortions are no longer declining in the U.S., primarily because most abortions are now being done by chemicals rather than surgery.
Ending the life of an unborn child no longer requires a visit to an abortion clinic or even an in-person consultation with a doctor. Women can now obtain an abortion without ever leaving their home thanks to a two-drug combination approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This not only trivializes the act of abortion, but severs the vital doctor-patient relationship, leaving women isolated in a time of severe pain and distress.
During a chemical abortion, the first pill, mifepristone, blocks the natural hormone progesterone, which is necessary for pregnancy. The lack of progesterone prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the child, starving him or her to death.
The FDA has approved Mifepristone for use up to week 10 of pregnancy. At 10 weeks, a child has a heartbeat and his or her brain and lungs are developing. The baby has an obvious human shape.
If the child is not killed by the first pill, he or she will certainly be killed by the second. Misoprostol stimulates uterine contractions and expels the dead baby from the woman’s body.
Many women have spoken out about the horrors of chemical abortion, but the mainstream media continues to ignore them. “Within one hour I knew that everything the doctor had told me was a lie. I was bleeding so heavily, I believed I was dying. I was passing clots the size of baseballs, and I was in the worst physical pain of my life,” said one woman. Countless women are enduring this agonizing physical trauma in addition to the unimaginable trauma of losing their child and having to discard of the baby themselves.
The abortion industry and our federal agencies have failed women. They have led them to believe that inflicting deep physical and emotional damage upon themselves is the only way to achieve “freedom” or “equality.” They have also failed to properly inform women of the dangers of chemical abortion.
Abortion advocates even use the misleading term “medication abortion.” In reality, the abortion pill is poison to the female body and her growing child. It is “no more ‘medication’ than the chemicals used in lethal injections in capital punishment,” writes Isaac Book of the Daily Signal.
This past session, the Wisconsin state legislature passed a bill that would require abortion providers to tell women seeking a chemical abortion that there is a pill that can be taken after the first pill of the two-step RU-486 regimen–a pill that has a good possibility of reversing the damage and not killing the baby. It’s commonly known as “abortion pill reversal.”
The information would also be added to the Woman’s Right to Know information that abortion providers are already required to provide in Wisconsin.
However, Gov. Evers vetoed the bill. He rejected the notion that women should have as much information as possible in order to make the right decision for their health and the life of their unborn child.
Further, we are still unsure whether chemical abortions are happening with our 1849 pre-Roe ban still in effect despite a court challenge.
Even if the current ban on most abortions in Wisconsin does not include chemical abortions, we do have a law that bans telemed abortions which would prevent women from getting the chemical abortion regimen from other states via a video “visit” with a doctor. However, now many women are getting the potent, life-taking drugs from other countries, like India, thereby skirting the law.
Regardless, we must continue to spread the truth about the dangers of chemical abortions and the humanity of the unborn. Chemical abortions are an excellent example of why changing the culture and individual hearts is the only real way to end abortion. Pills will always easily be smuggled and obtained. Only through transforming hearts and sharing the truth about the humanity of the unborn can we protect each and every mother and precious unborn life created by God.