The Green Bay Packers kick off the season in Brazil this Friday, and the football season is officially beginning! While many families and communities use football as a way to bond, celebrate, and enjoy quality time with one another, some struggle with the ensnarement that results from sports gambling.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court opened the door for sports betting in 2018, 38 states have legalized the activity, and Americans have spent over $235 billion on bets. Fifty-one percent of sports betters go into debt after using a credit card to place bets. Each year, the sports betting industry continues to break its own records. In 2021, the number of people regularly betting on sports increased by 80%. We can only assume that based on current trends, those numbers will continue to rise.

Clearly, this is an industry that thrives on the addictive nature of gambling and prospers when “casual” gamblers become addicts. According to Pew Research, 19% of adults in the US say they have bet money on sports in the past year. The Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling estimated that over 333,000 Wisconsin residents have a gambling problem, which is defined as affecting their finances, their families, and their employment. This number is conservative but still represents almost 6% of Wisconsin’s total population and over 7% of our population over the age of 18.

With statistics this high, we likely all have at least one person in our church struggling with sports gambling or gambling in general. This often-unseen addiction is harming young families in our communities.

While the world tries to pass off sports betting as a harmless way to make quick cash and root for your favorite team, we know it is dangerous and should be avoided. This football season, talk to your friends, family, and coworkers about saying “no” to gambling. We encourage you to also pray against the expansion of gambling in Wisconsin and that those struggling with this serious addiction would experience freedom in Christ.

P.S. Have you thought of or know anyone asking these questions: Why is this election important for Christians? What does it look like to choose well in this election cycle? We are hosting world-renowned thought leader and host of “The Briefing” podcast, Dr. Al Mohler, to discuss these issues on September 11 at noon. We would love for you to join us in learning from Dr. Mohler on the importance of Christian engagement during the election season. You can sign up for free HERE.

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