It’s election day! Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. We encourage you to make every effort to vote in this election – whether it is before you head to work, on your lunch break, or on your way home this evening. It is our civic responsibility to engage in the electoral process, and we’ve got quite a bit on our ballot this election to engage in. Please don’t take this incredible privilege for granted!

Before you head to the voting booth, here are a few resources you can use to research candidates and cast an informed ballot:

Check your sample ballot and confirm your polling location HERE.
Research candidates from a biblical perspective with iVoterGuide HERE.
Use our 2023-2024 Legislative Scorecard to research incumbent candidates HERE.
Read WFA’s summary of the referenda questions HERE.

Every election is important, but this partisan primary will include two referenda questions that will determine if future governors can spend federal tax dollars to promote abortion and other progressive issues in our state without legislative oversight. Governor Evers has abused this loophole before by sending Planned Parenthood over $2.4 million from unrelated federal relief programs without approval from the legislature. It is absolutely imperative that every Christian in Wisconsin votes YES on BOTH referenda questions to ensure that our governors are held accountable by the legislature and “we the people.”
Please call, text, and email your friends and family to encourage them to vote prayerfully, carefully, and biblically this election and beyond. Thank you for voting for candidates who support our shared values on God’s plan for marriage, family, life, and religious liberty. See you at the polls!

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