We believe that the government should actively support and promote the institution of marriage, as it forms a strong and stable base for family life, which is especially beneficial for children. Our view is that marriage should be recognized as a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman. We also encourage actions that aim to lower the divorce rates in Wisconsin, helping families stay together longer.

Marriage Resources

  • Abstinence Clearinghouse – A non-profit educational organization that promotes the appreciation for and practice of sexual abstinence through the distribution of age-appropriate, factual, and medically accurate materials.
  • Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership – A&M is advancing a movement that inspires hope for a healthy future marriage. Scott Phelps began A&M in 2004 with the goal of reaching every teenager with a positive presentation about the benefits of abstinence and instruction on preparing for a healthy marriage.
  • National Organization for Marriage – “We work to defend marriage and the faith communities that sustain it at the local, state, and national levels. We do this by working with legislators, by informing voters when they head to the ballot box, and by giving marriage a voice in courts of law as well as in the court of public opinion.”
  • National Marriage Week USA (February 7 – February 14) – “A collaborative campaign to strengthen individual marriages, reduce the divorce rate, and build a stronger marriage culture, which in turn helps curtail poverty and benefits children.”
  • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage – “When Mark Gungor conducted his first marriage seminar, he did so for one reason—because somebody had to do it, and no one else was reaching the couples in his area. The enthusiastic response he received from his first audience was just the tip of the iceberg. Today, he is one of the most sought-after international speakers on marriage and family.”
  • Wholehearted Marriage – “We are passionate to equip premarital and married couples with the knowledge, skills and insights necessary to enjoy a lifetime together. So, regardless of if you are preparing for marriage, or if your marriage is good and you just want to make it better, or if you are hurting and feel hopeless, we are here to help you feel refreshed and enjoy stronger, healthier, and more satisfying relationships that will have a positive effect on your family for generations.”
  • CanaVox – CanaVox hosts reading groups to study and discuss the beauty of marriage as one man, one woman, for life.

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