Title IX Upended

A year ago March, a number of parents of students at Sun Prairie East High School addressed the District’s school … Continued

The CDC is promoting gender ideology in schools and Congress needs to take action

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a taxpayer-funded federal agency, is promoting a tool for “school and district … Continued

Federal court ruling on transgenderism has concerning implications 

In a deeply concerning decision, a federal judge ruled that the distress someone may feel due to gender dysphoria is … Continued

House Dems introduce dangerous ‘Transgender Bill of Rights’

A group of 89 House Democrats introduced a “Transgender Bill of Rights” that poses serious threats to women’s sports, religious … Continued

President Biden’s Pride Month EO is bad news for religious freedom and children’s safety

Last week, President Biden announced he would sign an executive order to advance “LGBTQI+ Equality During Pride Month.” Parts of … Continued

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Children need help, not harm.

The “Help Not Harm Act” was formally introduced in the legislature this week, and we believe the bill is essential … Continued

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